Energy On The Offensive™ #009 - International Road Check 2024 (May 14-16)

What you need to know about the upcoming International Road Check.

What will be the focus?

During International Road Check 2024 (May 14-16), inspectors will be focusing on the Tractor Protection System, aka tractor protection valve (TPV). The TPV is the system that protects the power unit’s air supply should there be a trailer separation. 393.43(a) is the regulatory requirement for a TPV and the CVSA OOS states that the TPV needs to set at no less than 20 psi but the sooner the better. A lot of TPV’s will set almost immediately upon sensing a rapid air loss in the trailer system, but MUST set at no less than 20 psi.

Accountability - How the TPV should be tested

Testing the TPV during a pre/post trip inspection is part of ensuring the braking system is operational and it is also part of a CVSA LV I or II inspection. With the wheels chocked or the power unit shut off with ONLY the power units parking brake set, the inspector should ask you to remove the supply/emergency glad hand and then check the air pressure once air has stopped escaping. Then the inspector should ask you to remove the service glad hand, and have you step on the brakes. If air is still escaping out of either and/or the PSI is less than 20, then the TPV is faulty, in violation and OOS.

Spread the message to drivers

If the inspector just has you “pump the brakes down” to check the TPV, and “finds a violation”, let us know because that is not the proper CVSA inspection process, and a DataQ may be warranted.

Do you feel like a recent roadside violation was unjustified? Respond to this email with some details and we will evaluate and help you submit a DataQ request if warranted.