Energy On The Offensive™ #012 - Tire Tread Depth

Steer axle tire tread depth. Just a violation or out of service condition?

Violation VS. Out Of Service

Any steer axle tire with a tread depth, in a major tread groove, less than 4/32 is a violation. However, to meet an OSS condition, the tread depth on a steer axle tire needs to be less than 2/32 in two adjacent major tread grooves.


Train drivers that if an inspector is citing them for either a violation and/or an OOS violation, make sure they politely ask to be shown the tread and location. The point at which an inspector measures the tread depth cannot be at a wear indicator, water seep, or any other part of the tread pattern that is not a major tread groove.

Being polite and professional at all times is key. If necessary drivers can take a picture before moving the equipment from the inspection point. This can be used in a DataQ request.

Do you feel like a recent roadside violation was unjustified? Respond to this email with some details and we will evaluate and help you submit a DataQ request if warranted.